About Us



Consumption-based economies worldwide have contributed to the severe climate change and resource deprivation that we face today. At the same time, the Information Age has accelerated the uneven distribution of wealth, generational clashes, and value conflicts.

In Taiwan, these issues are amplified by the country’s population density, limited natural resources and unique geo-political situation.

Driven by the proverb, "Education is the foundation on which a country is built," the Kao Family Education Foundation was established to contribute toward a promising future for Taiwan.(1)(2) Through our commitment to comprehensive education, we strive to promote good values and positivity, raise awareness of sustainability and inspire people to think and act with kindness - with the ultimate goal of a world where everyone lives in harmony and prosperity.

(1) Founded by Dr. and Mrs. Min-Hwan Kao. Dr. Kao is executive chairman and co-founder of Garmin Ltd. and founder of the Kao Family Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable U.S. organization.

(2)The Foundation's Chinese name is inspired by Stephen Hawking's quote, "Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the Universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up."

Our Vision


We endeavor to contribute to the personal growth of global citizens by creating educational and civic programs that promote environmental, social and economic sustainable development.

Our Values


  • Respect all people
  • Respect our environment and all of Earth’s resources

Our Beliefs


  • Educational Equality: Everyone deserves access to educational opportunities.
  • Equal Importance of Building Character and Academic Achievement: “Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”(3)
  • Sustainable Development: It is everyone’s responsibility to participate in the development of sustainable solutions for all generations.

(3) Martin Luther King Jr.'s quote